Archer: Did you just assign the compliance officer to a medical case?
Sharon: He's a critical care doctor who is credentialed at Med.
Archer: He's a bureaucrat with a suit.

Vanessa: Biopsy results come in yet?
Maggie: Not yet, but she said sometime today.
Vanessa: Hey. The chances are that it's benign.
Maggie: I don't think so. I had cancer before.

Charles: I put in a call to Dr Caleb Hunter, the doctor who diagnosed her.
Will: Good thinking? What did he say?
Charles: Not a whole lot, seeing as he died five years ago.

Scott: She has syphillis. So if it's not gotten under control the baby could be born with serious defects. All right, I'll let her husband know.
Archer: Whoa, whoa, whoa. You can't tell the husband. That outs her. You can't tell him she has an STI without her permission.
Scott: But it's his baby too. He has the right to know what the risks are.

Stevie: Listen, things didn't go exactly as planned.
Will: Is that a wedding ring? So you went to Green Point to end your marriage and came back with your wedding ring.

Scott: Any word from Tyrell?
Carmen: No.
Scott: I'm so sorry, Carmen. You deserve better than this.
Carmen: You're really gonna tell me what I deserve from a man?

Sharon: You have my permission to go ahead as long as you can do so safely.
Randall: I'm sorry to overrule you, but with Blake's transplant team down, you're one nurse short.
Sharon: You didn't count me. I spent more than my fair share of time as an OR nurse. I'll circulate for you, Dr. Marcel.
Marcel: Really?
Randall: I don't recommend this.
Sharon: Clock's ticking.

Maggie: Dylan! Sharon just activated the internal disaster system. What's going on?
Dylan: I'm not sure, but it seems like Blake's transplant team has been poisoned.
Maggie: Oh my gosh. Is everyone all right?
Dylan: Nobody's dead.

Marcel: So I saw Mr. Abbott outside.
Blake: Yeah, his name was next on the transplant list and he's the same blood type as the donor liver.
Marcel: Great. When were you going to tell me?

Ethan: So Felicia tells me you're on some anti-convulsants. What's that about?
Father: I just take what Dr. Kinowska prescribes, I don't ask questions.
Ethan: You hired a nurse for a reason.
Father: Maybe I just got tired of hearing the sound of my own voice.

Lisa: I'm not seeing an OB.
Jonah: Tell them why.
Lisa: Stop it, Jonah!
Jonah: Fine, I will. Lisa stopped seeing her OB because she had the audacity to suggest that my wife take a vaccine.
Lisa: It's my decision! And I don't appreciate you trying to recruit more soldiers to your cause.

No, I don't want to talk to my husband directly. That's why I hired a lawyer.


Chicago Med Season 7 Quotes

Archer: Ethan's physical therapy is going well?
Charles: That's why I hear.
Archer: That's good. And he doesn't hold a grudge?
Charles: A grudge?
Archer: If the shooter, what's his name... Neal? had been put on a psych hold, he wouldn't have shot Ethan. Ever think about that?
Charles: No, never. But you know what has crossed my mind? If any of this would have happened if you hadn't taken his appendix out against his will.

Natalie: Well, I guess that's everything. You okay?
Will: Yeah.
Natalie: You'd better go back.
Will: You'd better keep in touch. Otherwise I'll come find you.