Maggie [to Monique]: You're too shallow. You need to keep on drilling until you hub the needle. [Monique tries again]
Doris: Not like that. Who taught her to do an IO, an orangutan?

If you take one thing away from me today, let it be this. Treat the patient, not the disease.

Dr. Rowan [on video, giving commencement speech]

The thing about suicide, it's never really a lone act. It tends to leave a lot of victims in it's wake.


Maggie: Quick, nurses' creedo:
Monique: Sometimes cure, treat often, comfort always.
Maggie: Uh-uh. Don't kill your patient...
All nurses: ...Because that's the doctor's job.

Sarah: Everybody comes to you, don't they? With all their pain? And you just have to absorb it. [Daniel nods] How are you doing today?
Daniel: It was awful. It's just awful.

When I took this job, Daniel, I wanted to create an environment where we would never lose someone. Everyone would look out for each other. I thought I did. But then today, I found out there was a very troubled young man in our midst, and not a single person knew him. I failed.


Will: You've been doing it, what -- 25, 30 [Daniel smirks] ...several years? What, what's the secret?
Daniel: Well, I'm still looking for that, but if I had to guess, I'd say it had something to do with, you know, just keep showing up, keep doing your job put one foot in front of the other. 'Cause when you start to get all tangled up in hear [taps his head], you know, that's when, I mean, it can just paralyze you.

Look, not for nothing, helping people is -- is just about the hardest job there is.


You would have had me quit my job a year ago, before I was even pregnant. You want a different kind of woman.

April [to Tate]

Daniel: Tell me, is your buddy, like, a real cool customer? You know, like a James Dean type?
Teenager: Who's James Dean?

Noah: Hey, um, I saw you and Tate getting a little edgy. Are you okay?
April: I'm fine.
Noah: Yeah? Okay, good. I just don't want you, to, you know --
April: What? Screw things up?
Noah: What? No, no. I just want you to be happy..with a guy...who was a all-pro wide receiver three times. Three times, right?

Jim Kessler: Everybody's a Monday morning quarterback.
Sarah: I -- I don't know what that means.

Chicago Med Season 2 Quotes

Maggie: I hate killing their dreams.
Sharon: No, you like to let them hang themselves.

Dr. Latham: Dr. Downey thought very highly of you. I'm curious, there are rumors. Did you kill him?
Connor: I'm sorry?
Dr. Latham: Did you?