Marcel: You know, there are advantages to being accepted by management. You get seen and you get invited into rooms where you might be able to actually make an impact.
Ahmad: Thanks, but I'm not sure that's the kind of impact I want to make.

I've been through enough divorces to know that spontaneous weeping is part of the deal.


Nick: Hannah.
Hannah: Nick.
Nick: How did you know?
Hannah: I just delivered your baby.

What is this? I say something to you in a clinical setting, I don't expect to see it posted all over social media, you understand?


Pamela: I didn't fall. My wrist is fine.
Husband: What?
Pamela: I'm sorry, honey. I didn't have a choice. [To Maggie] My husband is depressed and refuses to get help. I'm so afraid he's going to hurt himself.

Ahmad: I know this isn't exactly a sexy surgery --
Marcel: Excuse me? Sexy surgery?
Ahmad: I know surgeons don't like to get involved in palliative care.

Marcel: I'm actually joining the board.
Ahmad: Oh. I must have missed an announcement.
Marcel: There wasn't any, at my request.
Ahmad: But they asked you to join the board?
Marcel: They were looking for a physician.
Ahmad: Congratulations. You must be in good with the suits.

ED's been overrun with these ODs. People who had no idea they were taking fentanyl.


Ripley: Yo, Asher! What are you doing here?
Hannah: Mitch. Hi.
Mitch: What are you drinking?
Hannah: I'm not. It's club soda.
Mitch: You don't drink?
Hannah: No, I do not. I'm a recovering addict... which I will tell you about another time, but right now you have to go.

Marcel: You know, she reminds me of someone else. You know who I'm talkin' about? I'll give you a hint. He had red hair.
Sharon: Going above and beyond.
Marcel:You had to suspend him on more than one occasion. You sure you're ready for the sequel?

Archer: I want this kidney.
Asher: Good. You're saying it like you mean it. Now tell Dr. Cameron.
Archer: It's not just that. If I go through with this again Leanne's wishes... Sean might never be able to have a relationship with his mom again.
Asher: I'm going to be blunt. Leanne is being petty. This isn't about protecting Sean. It's about hurting you. You remember that Archer I first knew, the one who was a self-centered egotistical jerk? Be more like him today.

You know, she's under an enormous amount of pressure, trying to honor the wishes of her dying sister. Maybe focus more on that and less on how you're right.


Chicago Med Quotes

Ellis: What are you not telling him?
Maggie: What?
Ellis: Halstead. What are you not telling him? Come on. I'm in an iron lung. I have the right to be nosey.

A girl has to almost die for this hospital to realize that it's actually here to treat patients?
