Boden: I want to say something to you, Firehouse 51.
Mouch: What’s up, Chief?
Boden: That was a rough shift. I know it can feel like a crazy upside-down world out there, even on our best days. Having firefighters from house 17 here is a reminder that this CFD is a brother and a sister, but at the same time, I can’t help but be reminded that 51 is truly unique. Here is when we need to and can face together — nothing stays the same forever — change. It’s inevitable. People come and go from this firehouse and from our lives. There will be welcome backs, there will be hellos, and there will be, there will be goodies. Anyone who’s a part of 51 will always be a part of 51, and that, we can hold on to, no matter what else is changing around us.

Boden: Fifty-one hasn’t been the same without you.
Mouch: It doesn’t feel the same now.

Right after, Julia and I are moving to Oregon to be with Matt and the boys.


If somebody’s setting these fires intentionally, they’re not just trying to scare people; they’re trying to kill ‘em.


Oh, you guys don’t know. I already made two new best friends in Detroit, Riolet and Vitter. Yeah, they, um, you guys are like, whew, rear-view mirror.


I can tell. The way you focused on the baby, we're in different places right now... The last time Matt was here, you went MIA on me for a while. And even when we were together, you weren't all there. It's pretty obvious you are not over him.


Todd: This is too much to ask for a kid. And if it were up to me, you wouldn't be here. But MAber's got a big heart.
Stella: We can tell. But we're here to support her. Not pressure her.

Sylvie: Do you think I haven't noticed how you have been looking at him recently?
Violet: You are totally misreading that. I mean, does he look good in a towel? Who am I not to look?

Sylvie Brett, we were meant to be. Will you make me, three kids, the luckiest family in the world? Marry me?


Cruz: I wanted to talk to you about Severide. As the acting lieutenant of Squad, it would have been nice to know about the change of plans.
Stella: What change of plans?
Cruz: You know, the fact that he's wrapped up this thing in Alabama, and now he's on some ATF investigation, and I don't even know where.
Stella: What are you talking about?

I don't just want a baby. I want that little girl. I don't know if it's because our stories are the same... the way I felt when I held her, she fit perfectly in my arms.


I did it because it was the right thing to do ... My methods might get a little messy, but I'm only trying to do the right thing.


Chicago Fire Quotes

If you're up for a date, tell me when to pick you up.


Stella: But what is it, exactly, that we got going on?
Kelly: [panicked stammer] It's none of my mom's business.