I'm proud to have been his inspiration and I am proud to be his wife.

Kate Beckett

He has proven to be a brilliant partner and he's always had my back.

Kate Beckett

Listen, if after seven years of your crazy theories you haven't already been committed then I think you're pretty safe.

Kate Beckett

If Noah ends up walking you're going to have to have me committed.

Rick Castle

I don’t cross the line. I put myself on it.

Kate Beckett

One day you will look back and you will realize that every experience you ever had, every seeming mistake or blind alley was actually a straight line to who you were meant to be.

Rick Castle

I'm driven to figure out the story because I could never figure out that one.

Rick Castle

Really, it's your mannniversary? And I didn't get you anything.

Rick Castle

Wow Dad, could your head get any bigger?


Oh, absolutely not! You will not and do you know why? Because you're a fighter. What have you always told me? No one will give you anything in this life. You must earn it and look at you. Almost 20 years later and you're back on Broadway. You have earned this.

Rick Castle

Be honest, when you vowed for better or for worse you really had no idea what you were agreeing to, did you?

Rick Castle

There's a snake on the mother flying plane!

Rick Castle

Castle Season 7 Quotes

Beckett: He is resourceful but he's not that resourceful.
Ryan: He got you to marry him, didn't he?

Wow, you nailed playing yourself. That's impressive.
