Erin: What do you do when the bad guy doesn't seem like that bad a guy?
Danny: I slap myself in the face until I wake up and realize most of the time bad guys don't stop being bad guys.

Eddie: Your dad won't let an innocent man hang.
Jamie: No. He can't come near this. No one in my family can.
Eddie: Why?
Jamie: The minute it even looks like strings are pulled, I'm done. I'll never have the respect of my cops again.

Henry: I saw the doctor for my physical last week.
Frank: I know.
Henry: He called this afternoon and said he wanted me to come in.
Frank: You feeling okay?
Henry: I feel fine. But when they call you to come in, it's never good news. And let's face it, I'm probably past my sell-by date.

Jamie, great leaders don't lead by the words on a page. Leaders lead by their hearts.


Jamie: Hey Pops, I brought yams. Where can I put them?
Henry: Anywhere there's room. Everything good?
Jamie: Yeah.
Henry: So this isn't the classic Reagan cry for help? Come on. Yams?

Sid: I could talk to him.
Frank: And say what?
Sid: Tell him to keep his trap shut so you can make a decision yourself. Only I wouldn't say it like that. More like, give you the courtesy.
Frank: A Marine who has risked his life for this country might not appreciate being asked to keep his trap shut -
Garrett: Give you the courtesy.
Frank: Give me the courtesy so that I can save face.

Eddie: When we last rode together, you were getting out of an abusive relationship.
Nichols: What does that have to do with this?

Jamie: I just watched you assault another officer. You'd better have a good explanation.
Cop: With all due respect, stay out of it, Sergeant.

As a public defender, I protect the people who your office runs over with the freight train of justice.


Erin: Do you think he's on the up-and-up?
Anthony: Probably not.
Erin: Well, if you were involved in whatever that was, I hope it was worth it.

I heard you think that Reagans are all goody-two-shoes and hotheads. Well, you're not wrong. But we do come in other colors. Keep your eyes open and you just might see it.


Frank: A cop has a book he can go by. He knows where he stands. The PC is a civilian that serves at the pleasure of the mayor. There's only one book, and only the mayor has it.
Danny: I'm not so sure about serving at the pleasure of the mayor. Mayors have come and gone but you're still here.

Blue Bloods Season 12 Quotes

A five-year-old boy is shot in a courtyard full of witnesses and no one saw anything.


Reporter: Is it possible the boys were shot because they were Jewish?
Chase: It's too early to tell.
Frank: But it's also a fair question. We can't rule out any possibilities.
Chase: It's still too early to tell.