T.C.: Black Lightning! Thunder! Oh, man!
Gambi: You shouldn’t be in here.
T.C.: Your system wanted to show it to me.
Gambi: It likes you better than me.
T.C.: No. Nah uh. It loves you.

Anissa: I need to lead this. Black Lightning is not the face of this resistance.
Jefferson: Who said it was?
Anissa: You did. The moment you came in and just took over. Now, I know you’ve done this a million times, but I am running this.
Jefferson: I didn’t just take over. Henderson asked for my advice and I gave it.
Anissa: Well, I have everything under control until you came in with your “male privilege” and pushed me aside.
Jefferson: Male privilege? What are you talking about? I’m your father. This isn’t about you.
Anissa: Yes, this is about me.
Jefferson: No! If you get this wrong, people die.
Anissa: Yes, Dad, I know that! And I also know that this is hard for you but I’m so much more than just your daughter and Thunder, and you need to see that. I am a leader and I can handle myself.

Lynn: My side effects are increasing. Hallucinations, agitations, sweats, dry mouth. I’m going to tweak the dosage and see…
Jennifer: Mom…
[Lynn drops the vials and it breaks]
Lynn: No! Dammit! Look what you made me do, little girl! That was all I had! That was all I had!!! [Sobbing]

Jefferson: This is going to be hard to believe. Jenn and I were in alternate dimensions.
Gambi: What? How?! [Laughs] When?
Jefferson: We just got back.
Gambi: I have no memory of you being gone.
Jefferson: Right, that’s because there’s no longer any multi-dimensions. Each world, each dimension was wiped out one-by-one until there was nothing left. And then one world, one dimension, was created. We don’t have time to get into this right now because Jenn wants to kill Odell.

Black Lightning: We ain’t leaving.
Commander Williams: Fine. Then just die!
[They shoot electricity at each other]
Commander: Williams: You don’t want to dance with me. I have your powers and the finest tactical training on earth.
Black Lightning: Yeah, right. The thing is you have a lot of electricity coursing through your nervous system right now. I’ve got this suit to protect me. You don’t, Meta!
Commander Williams: I see your point.
[Commander Williams collapses]

I think Thunder would go better with Black Lightning. Don’t you?


Brandon: I’ve been looking for Dr. Jace ever since.
Jennifer: And now you’ve come to Freeland to kill her?
Brandon: Probably sound like a terrible person, huh?
Jennifer: No, actually, I get it.
Brandon: You do?
Jennifer: Yeah, look, when Khalil was murdered, all I could think about was revenge. I wanted to kill the person who did that to him; make them suffer the way he suffered. And to be honest, I still do.

Tobias: Don’t be naïve, Dr. Stewart. You know exactly what the ASA is gonna do with those Metas once you’ve stabilized them. Just look at the roster you gave me: super strength, accelerated healing, and my favorite, camouflage. Seem like weapons to me.
Lynn: I’ve heard it all before.
Tobias: Oh, really? From whom? Wait … you don’t mean Black Lightning? How interesting. Guess he is smarter than I thought.

Gambi: That thing killed Khalil’s mother. You need to shut this monster down before the ASA uses it to slaughter anyone else.
Lynn: He’s not a monster! Don’t him a “Monster” or an “It” or a “Thing” or any other word that isn’t Khalil. I lost 14 kids, Gambi. Fourteen people died because of me. And I won’t lose another person ever again. I’ll save Khalil if it’s the last thing I do.

Jefferson: I cannot get down with your methods.
Deputy Chief Henderson: Duly noted for the record. I’m only trying to do what I can to protect this city.
Jefferson: Yeah? By living a double life? Chief of police and Big Brother resistance. Now, you remember how pissed off you were when I didn’t tell you I was Black Lightning. Who’s got the secret now?
Henderson: Are you seriously trying to compare me keeping a secret for 30 days to you keeping a secret for 30 years?!
Jefferson: No! Look, the point is we gotta get on the same page!
Henderson: And by “same page,” you mean doing them the way you would do them?

Jennifer: Is he dead?
Major Grey: Far from it. He’s in the hospital and expected to make a full recovery.
Jennifer: Getting shot at his age, he needs to go ahead and retire. Start that rideshare business like I told him.

Why is my life always so messed up? Medicine isn’t working anymore. So, I’m shapeshifting left and right. I thought getting my feelings out in this video would help me stabilize, but I’m so scared.


Black Lightning Quotes

Lynn: You've been on the streets fighting The 100 for years. Let someone else do it. The girls need a father.
Jefferson: Baby, I promise. No more.

Black Lightning was the savior who kept our streets and our schools safe. He was hope personified. But he was also Jefferson Pierce, my father.
