Riley: I thought we were in business together.
Walz: Mr. Riley, don't you know in all business there is one leading partner?

We're the law in Lincoln now.

You've got to work at it every day. You've got to work at it until the gun becomes an extension of your hand, like pointing your finger.

Billy: I saw you in town the other day, with a man. It sure looked like you were in love with him.
Dulcinea: Of course I love him. He's my brother.

Brewer: Looks like we win.
Billy: This is just the first round.

Walz: I really need you to concentrate right now because what I'm about to say to you is all for your own good.
Tunstall: I suppose I'd better listen then, Mr. Walz.

Tunstall: You're doing the right thing, sheriff.
Brady: Don't insult my intelligence, Mr. Tunstall.

Murphy: Maybe [Tunstall] will die.
Riley: And maybe he won't.
Murphy: So?
Riley: So perhaps someone should pay him an visit and remind him of the facts of life.

Sheriff Brady, I want to put this on record. I do not believe you are serving justice or the ordinary people of this town. It looks like you're only working for The House.


Now I promise you. The last thing I want is a shooting match. But if it comes to it, we have to be ready.


You'd better play ball, Murphy. You never knew who could be next.

Riley [to Murphy]

[Jesse] always liked living outside the law. I don't. That's why I'm here.

Billy the Kid Season 2 Quotes

Keep Jesse Evans on a leash. We're done here.

Murphy [to Riley and Nolan]

Now I promise you. The last thing I want is a shooting match. But if it comes to it, we have to be ready.
