Everything you do now matters in a way it didn't before. There are no casual decisions, and no one borrows your jet. No one drops by your house for dinner without prior approval. No employee makes it look like you're using a loophole to avoid paying out to the victims of a hurricane.


This is already hard. And messy. Don't get yourself fired. We get ... none of us can do this alone or on a one-off attempt. It needs to be full-on Murder on the Orient Express or nothing.


Oh, come on. You saw them, baiting me. They want me to find something, for some reason not yet obvious. But what is clear is that all this would end, at minimum, with egg on my face.


Chuck... people like us keep after it because we know it's a crime to waste what we have. If we don't take the shot... who the hell else will?


I am genuinely thrilled to be here. And I don't thrill easy. Uh-uh. Oh, we're going to hold the rich and powerful and criminal accountable for their actions, no matter the cost. I want you to go back to
your desks and pull the cases you thought were too hot, too hard, too close to the third rail. Pitch me those cases-- directly, not through channels-- and together we will take that unformed carbon and pressurize it into diamonds. Into wins.


Okay. A trainer feeds a caged tiger fresh beef so it develops a taste for that instead of trainer. The tiger's waiting by his door, same time every day, ready to pounce on it. But you know the scariest moment of a trainer's life? When he goes inside the enclosure and the cat isn't there. They can't see it. Doesn't mean that cat escaped, it means it's hiding, ready to revert to its nature and hunt. I can't afford to let Chuck Rhoades revert to his nature.


Scott: You always did have the best ideas about... which club to hit after the Super Bowl, or where to get the best space cakes in Amsterdam. And he killed it 'cause that fucking attitude drove you like Max Verstappen. No offense, but now... you got about as much edge as Barry Manilow.
Wags: Offense fucking taken.

Bradford: I have a lot of respect for how you two have handled your relationship. Conflicting ambitions are a difficult thing to manage. And you built a good arrangement.
Andy: Thanks. It worked for us.
Bradford: But the open part of the marriage can't continue during the campaign.
Prince: We know, but how did you know?
Bradford: My job to know. I heard a whisper and followed it up but couldn't get it confirmed, Andy's stuff in the bathroom was a nice touch, but this layer of marital harmony is about one night thick. Things have supposedly changed, but the American electorate isn't ready for a first couple with an arrangement.
Andy: He's good.
Andy: So, what now?
Bradford: I need to wade in the murky parts of this with you, and you're gonna have to let me. I need to know it all.
Prince: We can do that.
Bradford: OK, let's start with the names of all your partners in the last five years.

Yeah, well, with me, you'll be paid in cash. And when we win, you'll be feted as a miracle worker.


A lot of billionaires feel they never have enough. That's the driver? But I've learned that there is such a thing as too much. Too much ego, too much power. Prince is over that line.


It ain't me, babe. And not because I think you're wrong about Prince or because I don't want to be there for you three who have each overtime earned my serious consideration, respect, even love. Because America, the land of the free, isn't that for me anymore? And I can't see how it ever will be. Because Prince is only on the ascent and I don't engage in wars of attrition anymore. Because Chuck is a free man who never relents, never stops, and I remain the one that got away.


Axe: Well, you know, geopolitics is fluid. Early in the conflict, Ukraine wanted Javelin anti-tanks, other things. Western governments weren't able to get them there first.
Wendy: You?
Axe: Structured the deal. Took care of the financing. Arranged a friend -- a guy you would not expect -- to find and deliver the actual arms. Bought me a great deal of goodwill all across the continent, EU and here.

Billions Season 7 Quotes

Wendy: There's nothing more dangerous than a man who's sure he's never wrong. Add in the money, add in the intellect.
Wags: Smarts is good.
Wendy: Not when those smarts are used to strengthen the idea that no one else's opinion counts. And in add his ability to lie to himself about who he really is, and finally, fold in a textbook God complex.

Taylor: You hear that shit? Hammer and anvil? That's fucking Hitler from Munich in '29. Is he hoping people won't notice, or that they will?
Wendy: I'm not sure. But we've got to figure this the fuck out.