Jane: You're like, so nice.
Madeline: This is Monterey. We pound people with nice.
Celeste: To death.

  • Permalink: To death.
  • Added:

And bring me something chocolate that won't make my ass look fat.


Come meet my knight in shining armor. She rescued me like a wounded dog in the street. And you know what else? She's funny.


The teacher couldn't have handed it worse. Can you pick out the suspect, Amabella? Are you kidding me?


Jane just didn't fit here. Sort of like a dirty old Prius parked outside of Barney's.


Jane: How was it?
Ziggy: Fun! I made friends!

Abigail: You seem a little wobbly. Are you having one of your massive periods?
Madeline: No. No. What people don't tell you is that you lose your children. As beautiful and wonderful as you are now, the little girl whose hair I used to detangle and had bad dreams and used to crawl into my bed? She's gone. I guess that's what I'm feeling a little bit. Compounded a little bit by the fact your sister's going into the first grade. I'm losing my babies. Which has been clinically compared to a massive period, I think.

Gordon: You OK?
Renata: Fine. I'm not liked.
Gordon: What was that?
Renata: I said I'm not liked.
Gordon: That simply isn't true, honey.
Renata: It's one thing to be demonized for having the temerity of a career, but look at us. Look at our life. What kind of woman chooses to work? Certainly not a mother, not by any acceptable standards. You should have seen the way they looked at me today. Oh, my God. And on the one day that I chose not to go to the office and join my daughter for her orientation and then defend her when she's physically assaulted. And then yes, I reacted, humanly like any mother would. And was met with utter contempt.

Chloe: Guys, mom had a day.
Madeline: And don't your start.
Chloe: I'm on your side, woman.

Chloe: When I grow up, I'm gonna run a massive label. Do you have plans?
Ziggy: No.
Chloe: What kind of music do you listen to? Don't tell me. Bowie.

You know how I feel about riding with texters. It is worse than drinking and driving.


Big Little Lies Season 1 Quotes

And bring me something chocolate that won't make my ass look fat.


Come meet my knight in shining armor. She rescued me like a wounded dog in the street. And you know what else? She's funny.
