If you’re seeing this, at least this time you’re going out with a lot less tears.


I’ve never won HOH, ever! So, I’m super stoked.


I wanted to play this game with you, but unfortunately, we just didn’t have the votes to save you.


Tyler has an alliance with almost everyone in the house, but not with the two nominees.


The last time they played this game, [Keesha and Kevin] both made it to the final four.


This poor woman. How do you not know who Tyler is? Like, you know you’re on an All-Stars season, right?


Tyler: I was rude to you, and it was wrong. I’m sorry.
Bayleigh: Thank you.

The last time Bayleigh and I were in this house together, we were not on the same side.


Enzo didn’t use the veto on me and it’s not much of a shock.


At this point, my social game is in full effect. I’m going to make sure everyone likes me, and I’m going to charm the pants off them.


Not being pulled off the block is not the greatest thing, but I’ve built a relationship with Cody and Enzo, two people who have a lot of power.


I wanted to pull a big move this week, you know, maybe a backdoor. But it’s just not the right time right now.


Big Brother Season 22 Quotes

I’ve won four HOHs and five Vetos.


I really don’t think I get enough credit for my win on Big Brother 18.
