Hector: They really sold you a fairytale, didn't they, Otto. Something new, something pure. Well, I hate to be the one to tell you this, Otto, but it's all shit. Alt-right, alt-left, they got you marching to the same familiar fuckin' tune. They let you believe you have the power to change your fuckin' nation but it's an illusion, Otto, it's an illusion.
Otto: The pendulum is swinging.
Hector: The pendulum is swinging. Fuck me! Wake up, Otto! Open your eyes! Nothing ever really changes. Democracy rises, Communism falls. Communism rises, Democracy falls. It's the same shit in different coats. The only thing that brings around true revolution is war.

Hector: Interfering in German politics? There's no fucking way you have Langley's approval on this.
Daniel: Gerhardt's funding a terror attack to swing the election in her favor? That's everyone's business.

Daniel: He's ready to deal.
Hector: So, what's in it for me?
Daniel: If things go smoothly, I'm pretty sure nobody would notice if that briefcase goes missing.
Hector: You're assuming I need the money. Look around you, Daniel.
Daniel: Cut the bullshit! You're not retired, you're in hiding! [Hector punches him in the gut]

Lena: I don't like him.
Otto: I find him interesting.
Hector [outside, to Daniel]: OK, let's reel him in. If this shit goes south, it's every man for himself.

Daniel: Holy shit. I gotta call this in.
Hector: Shut up. That Hitler Youth guy's in there takin' a crap or something.
Daniel: Armando?
Hector: Yes.
Daniel: He's BfV. Esther Krug is running him.
Hector: What? And you brought him to my doorstep?

Otto: Do you know what I notice about this village? The conformity. Everyone we pass, they are at one with each other. They dress the same way. They share the same skin tone.
Hector: Well, that's what generations of inbreeding will get you, Otto.

Lena: What we're doing will change the face of Germany forever.
Hector: Isn't that what all terrorists tell themselves?
Lena: We're not terrorists. We're nationalists.
Hector: Nationalists. That's an interesting distinction.

Otto: Well, in Germany, we face a unique challenge, the way view our past and Nazi-era guilt. That's how we let these refugees affect our land. That's how we got robbed our identity. That's how we turned against our own interests.
Hector: I don't think you can expect a lot of sympathy across Europe.
Otto: Europe is changing.
Hector: Europe is in chaos, Otto.
Otto: Yes, and chaos it deserves. From chaos, we will rise.
Hector: Oh my God. Is that the fuckin' basis of your manifesto? [laughs] You can't make an omelette without breaking a few eggs?
Otto: Do not mock me, Andrew.
Hector: I'm not mocking you. Spare me the cliches and tell me what you really mean, Otto!
Daniel: Come on. Take it easy.
Hector: Shut up, Trevor. Ott's a grown man. He can speak for himself.
Otto: In America, you put your hand on your heart and pledge allegiance. In Germany, I don't see any pride, I see no passion. We shit on our identity. We give our land away. Have a look; mosques, temples, synagogues. It's a fucking theme park, a zoo. Well, enough is enough. The PFD will restore our country.

Nice parking!


Daniel: What the hell are you doing?
Hector: He trusts me. I can be useful.
Daniel: You're out of your mind.
Hector: I've been out of it too long. It's going to be just like the good old days, right Trevor?

Daniel: Esther, he's naked.
Esther: Yeah, they all were.
Daniel: Don't you think that's a little weird?

Daniel: I need you to listen to me very carefully. Twelve years ago in Chechnya, you created the identity of a gunrunner named Andrew Chevalier, and I need you to wake him up right now.
Hector: How did you find me?
We'll get to that later. The people behind me will kill us if you don't play along. My name is Trevor Price. Look pleased to see me, maybe you can go so far as to hug me. Just don't fuck this up.
Hector: If they don't kill you, I will.

Berlin Station Quotes

Who says there are no friends in espionage?


Daniel: Esther, he's naked.
Esther: Yeah, they all were.
Daniel: Don't you think that's a little weird?