They're leaving because of their own personal darkness. I can't help but think that they were infected by mine.


You thought I was leaving too? Not a chance.


You're at war with two sides of yourself.


Amanda Waller: This was never about expunging your darkness, Mr. Queen. That darkness will always be a part of you.
Oliver: Then what was the point?
Amanda: To show you that sometimes killing is the only path to justice

Well, it looks like it's just the three of us. Team Arrow. The original gangstas.


Darhk: What are you going to do now, Oliver? Stop posturing. We both know you can't do it. You spared the life of the man who killed your own mother.
Arrow: You killed a friend of mine. You killed tens of thousands of innocent people. Slade Wilson and I had a choice. This time I don't.

Fifteen minutes till the end of the world, and you want to spend them with me. I am touched.


What does a guy have to do to end the world in peace?


Living in Star City requires a special kind of tenacity. A sane person wouldn't live here.


Someone's gotta provide a little optimism Doesn't seem like anyone around here has the headspace to do it.


I just can't believe that I thought that I'd be the one to unite this city while Damien Darhk was trying to kill it.That was arrogant. The same arrogance that made me feel I could be the Green Arrow without descending into darkness. Bottom line, it was foolish.


Usually in these situations, you're the one offering hope.


Arrow Season 4 Quotes

New frequency, same cry.

Black Canary

I have no idea what you're talking about. Just get the son of a bitch.
