I'm just saying, if you guys don't come back alive I'm gonna be really pissed.


Mask: You're out of arrows.
Malcolm: You're not!

Lady: Who was that?
Laurel: That's the Canary.

Felicity: You honor the dead by fighting. And you are not done fighting! Malcolm Merlyn, The Count, The Clock King, The Triad, everyone who has tried to hurt this city -- you stopped them. And you will stop Slade.
Oliver: I don't know how.
Felicity: Neither do I, but I do know two things: You are not alone and I believe in you.

If you're so far gone and so irredeemable, then why would they know you by such a beautiful name?


Laurel: I'm not going to pretend that I've been through anything that you have. But one thing that I've learned in the past year is that these things, they don't break us. They make us who we are.
Sara: Well what I am is irredeemable.

Lieutenant, I know he's breaking the law, but what we're up against is not about the law, it's about survival. We've got masks tearin' our city to pieces and we're gonna need a mask to stop them.


I don't need you right now. Everyone else does. So go; go save the city.


Ravager: Do you want to save me some time and energy and tell me where I can find Felicity Smoak? I have been aching to put a bullet in her smug little face ever since the day...
Felicity: Oh. I really thought the air bags were gonna go off.

This started with the three of us. It's time we got back to that.


Sebastian: How do you know I've been working with Slade Wilson?
Oliver: Because I'm the Arrow.

What's happening is bigger than you and Slade. This city needs the Arrow.


Arrow Season 2 Quotes

What I lack in height I make up for in wicked good hearing.


Sebastian: I'd love to speak with Oliver.
Thea: Well, if you see him, please tell him that he missed his own mother's funeral.