Oliver: What the hell happened back there?
The Monitor: A herald of what is to come. An entire world erased from existence.
Oliver: Where's my mother? Where's, where's Tommy? Where's, where's Rene? Where's Dinah?
The Monitor: They are no more.
Oliver: Did you hurt John and Laurel?
The Monitor: They are alive, and nearby. But, now you know that if we fail to stop the coming Crisis, what you witnessed will occur on infinite Earths across the expansive time.

Lyla: When I was in Afghanistan, my unit got sent out on patrol on a day I drew base duty. It was a routine op, we'd done it a hundred times before. Only this time, there was an IED in the road. None of them made it back. I used to lay in bed at night asking myself, why them? Why not me? And, I made every deal I could think of with any god I thought might listen.
Laurel: And, did it work?
Lyla: Not exactly.

Oliver: Mom, when we were growing up, if you had to leave me and Thea, to protect us, would you have done it?
Moira: Oliver, whether right or wrong, everything I've ever done was to protect my children. It's all a parent can do. And someday, when you have children, you'll understand.

Oliver: John I appreciate the assist but I still have to do this on my own.
Diggle: Right, because you think you have to die, right?
Oliver: No, I know I'm going to die.
Diggle: And I know that I don't have to accept that.
Oliver: If I let you help me, you will get hurt or you will get killed and it will be because of me.
Diggle: You don't know that!
Oliver: I do know that! Because everyone else in my life is either dead or alone! Look at the Earth that we are on. I've been gone twelve years. My mother is alive. Tommy's alive. Laurel's alive.
Diggle: Thea is dead. And yes, Tommy's alive. But, he's trying another undertaking with Rene and Dinah helping who, if you haven't noticed, are very bad people here. Oliver this world isn't better. It's much, much worse. You know why? Because you weren't in it.

I believe that fate brought the four of us together for a reason. Just like it did our parents when they decided to save this city. Now it's our turn. We don't want to mess it up, do we?


Oliver: I know how devastating it must have been to lose Thea. Because we're only as good as the people we have in our lives. I've lost people too, Tommy. I've lost people closer to me than I can possibly explain to you. Every one of those losses brings within a choice between darkness and light. Make the right choice. Are you going to kill thousands of innocent people or are you going to be the man I know you are?
Tommy: That was a pretty good speech.

The Monitor: Where I am taking you, there is no return.
Felicity: I have waited a very long time to see him. I'm ready.

Felicity: Wherever you go, whatever happens to you, you'll never leave me. On our wedding day, you told me I was the best part of you, but the truth is we are the best parts of each other and that is so much bigger than the friggen universe.
Oliver: When I came back to Star City to start my mission, I didn't think that I was capable or deserving of love. But you opened up my heart in ways I never thought was possible. My only regret is not telling you I loved you sooner.

I...I...I wanted to be a Queen.


Diggle: You know the spirit of this place will live long after we're gone. You've inspired so many people Oliver. They will carry on your legacy.
Oliver: Sounds like a cycle for good.
Diggle: Far better than that. A cycle of heroes who will fight to defend this city with every fiber of their being.
Felicity: Anyone ever told you, you always know exactly what to say?
Diggle: I have been told.

Roy: Maybe it's better if I'm six feet under.
Dinah: Dying is the coward's way out. Everyday that you stay alive, you try to redeem yourself for that messed up thing you did because this world is a better place with a hero like you.

Hey, um, random question. Did you add another hero to your Justice League?
