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The Oliver that I met eight years ago is not the one we say goodbye to today. Oliver always told me that in order to save his city, he had to become someone else, he had to become something else. I always thought that meant becoming the Green Arrow, but today I realized that meant becoming a better man. The best man he knew how to be, and he took all of us with him on that journey. He changed everything. Oliver brought heroes into the world, he inspired heroes. He inspired all of us here. I was his brother. And Oliver Queen was mine. Of course, life will go on. It always does. But how, with twists and turns it will take, I can't say. I don't know what the future holds, except to say expect the unexpected. Oliver may be gone, but his mission endures. That mission lives on, Oliver lives on in the people he inspired. Some will take that mission to the rest of the world, maybe even beyond that. Because if the past eight years have shown us anything, it's that this universe is far bigger than any of us could have dared imagine, even if it is a little less bright without him in it.


Mia: He trained me. He taught me to be a hero. How to be like him.
Felicity: I can tell you're a lot like him.
Mia: I can only hope.

Oliver Queen wasn't just a hero. He was a good man. He was an honorable person. The fact that he didn't start out that way makes him, in my book, even more honorable. He stands as a reminder to all of us that anyone can change.


Roy: Loving you has changed my life, Thea.
Thea: If Ollie's death has taught me anything, it's that we don't have a lot of time in this life. As long as you promise if you ever freak out on me like that again, you tell me instead of just leaving.
Roy: Yeah, yeah. I can make that promise.
Thea: Then yes.
Roy: Yes?
Thea: I will marry you, Roy Harper.

This is our most important mission. Suit up!


It's a hell of a legacy, not just a city of heroes, a world of heroes.


I made the ultimate sacrifice, which helped birth an entirely new universe. Now my friends and family will have to go on without me, and although I have become a Spectre, there is a part of me that will always be the Green Arrow.


Laurel: And here I thought making you remember your old life would open your eyes to how pointless and stupid your new one is.
Mia: My stupid and pointless life is the one that my father sacrificed himself to give me, don't you dare trivialize that.

Suit up.


Laurel: Your father, he wanted you to be happy, and he, he gave you all this. But I also think he wanted you to have a choice. I am not going to sugarcoat it for you. Being a hero kind of sucks. And it never gets any easier because it is the hardest thing that you can do.
Mia: Then why do it?
Laurel: For me, it gave me a purpose. And that's why I woke you up, so that you can have the chance to realize your own. Mia, this is your city and you're the Green Arrow.

Mia: Who is that?
William: Just the star of the Globe, the Gazette, byline, Channel 52, they all want to know if I'm the new Green Arrow.
Mia: Of course they do.
William: Isn't it a little misogynistic that they're not calling you as well? I mean, come on guys, it's 2040.

Laurel: Cheers to the Green Arrow.
Mia: To the Canaries.
Dinah: To the future, whatever it holds.

Has there been one episode where you weren't impressed with Arrow Quotes? It's nearly impossible for an hour to go by without the desire to share at least one awesome thing your favorite comic characters say. Sometimes they're words of wisdom. Sometimes they're teases of the romantic nature and sometimes they are so kick ass that you wish you were the character so that you could say such amazing things to your own team. Don't we all have a team surrounding us to riff off of when times get tough? No? Then that's even more reason for you to steal Arrow quotes to show that you really do know what to do, especially if you're given a super cool team to help you fight evil. There are a lot of reasons to come to TV Fanatic for Arrow quotes, the most important one being that we've made it easy to share your favorite quotes via social media. So stop by often and share away!