Mel: Kino says war is a failure of statecraft.
Matron Medarda: Your brother thinks he can talk his way out of anything. He fancies himself a fox among the wolves. But, mark me, child, if you want to last in this world, you must learn to be both the fox and the wolf

Do you know what the success rate for senior Academy inventors is? Three percent. We're no stranger to failure. What makes this the City of Progress is that we keep trying until we get it right.


We can't change what fate has in store for us, but we don't have to face it alone.


Caitlyn: I know you have your reservations about me, but this only works if we can trust each other.
Vi: It doesn't work. It never has.

Betrayal, that pain that feels like it'll eat you from the inside out, can either break you or forge you into something greater.


Jayce: 'Stanwick Padidly'? Huh, I don't know much about him.
Heimerdinger: Everything he built either exploded, melted, or toppled over. And yet, here he stands. Stanwich set his personal ambitions aside and focused on something far more important. Our future. He realized nothing he could accomplish could compare to the contributions of his students.

Heimerdinger: Give it a decade of careful research, and it will be ready.
Viktor: A decade?
Heimerdinger: Oh, don't worry, my boy. It zips past you in the blink of an eye.
Viktor: With respect, Professor. We can be improving lives with Hextech now.
Heimerdinger: A breakthrough like this takes times, Viktor. Putting that kind of power into everyone's hands is dangerous.

The world's growing smaller every day, thanks to Hexgates. And now, we're cut off. The topsiders are leaving us further and further behind.


The sons and daughters of Zaun deserve more than their runoff.


Sevika? That ogre couldn't clean a dust bunny with a blowtorch.


I'm an Enforcer. For me, knowing how to handle this weapon means being able to protect people. To be of service to the city. And that's trophy enough. Begs the question, young Kiramman. What are you shooting for?


What if we've been looking at it backwards? We've been trying to discover runes that invoke specific effects and then molding them to a useful function. Tools, as you like to put it. But, but... If the legends are true, mages aren't bound to single functions. It says the Arcane speaks through them.


Arcane Season 1 Quotes

Vi: I’m going. Are you with me or not?
Claggor: Vander’s going to kill us.
Vi: Yeah, only if we screw up. So don’t screw up.

Powder: One day, I’m going to ride in one of those things.
Mylo: And one day, I’m going to shoot one of them down.