Baz: What's the matter?
Pope: I'm not a weirdo.

Billy: Smurf really did a number on you boys. Well, it's your life. If you want to piss it away saving the psychopath, go right ahead. Well, I'll see you around.
Deran: Yeah. Billy, don't worry about it.

You can always count on men to be men. Believe it or not it can be very useful.


Craig: You got a lot of things right, J. Smurf always said you smart, like Julia. I never had anything against her you know. Your mom.
J: I know.
Craig: I was only little when she left. Saw her maybe one or two times after that, but you, you never liked me much.
J: You never really liked me much either.
Craig: Yo, you show up, Smurf brings you in, all of a sudden everyone is listening to you, what's the like?
J: Smurf used me.
Craig: She used everyone. It was never about anyone else but her, man. I was wrong about you, though. You set us up good. Now you're helping with the Pope shit, that's something. It's real.
J: Family, right?
Craig: Yeah, family.

Pope: I loved her man, I really did.
Baz: I know. What you did, it wasn't you, okay? It was Smurf. It's always Smurf. She killed Cath. She killed me. She killed Julia. Julia just took longer. Hey, Pope, she made you who you are. She knew what she was doing. Smurf got what she deserved, but you, you never had a chance, did you?
Pope: I never had a chance.

Deran: Tina, name your price.
Tina: You can't put a price on respect. Your mom knew that, kept your brother in check. Now she's gone, your crazy brother is in prison. Your other brother is a junkie. People are coming for your weak ass family, and it ain't just me. Respect, pendejo, you can't buy that.

I love talking to you. This is what's important to me, Andrew. Me and you. No matter what happens with Baz or Smurf or anyone else, okay? It's always you and me.


I don't give a shit what Pope wants or doesn't want. He put us in this situation, we decide what needs to happen and how we do it, not him.


J: We might have to figure out a different arrangement.
Finnegan: Oh yeah?
J: If he's not taking the protection we can't have him in there solo, he's mentally unstable.
Finnegan: What kind of arrangement?
J: A more permanent one. But only when I make the call.

Pope would do anything for us, even you. It's not about the money, J.


Craig: Pope ain't no snitch.
J: You don't know that!

Craig: You know Renn invited me to join her in San Antonio today. Thought about it. I just don't like Texas or Texans.
Deran: Well, maybe it's time to go.
Craig: Yeah.

Animal Kingdom Season 6 Quotes

It's our anniversary. Six years ago, you walked through that door, and I knew I had another son.

Smurf [to teen Baz]

Pope: Not everything is about money, J.
J: I know. But this is. We need to look into another job.