Andrew: It wasn't even a good score.
Smurf: It was good enough.
Andrew: They're not what you say they are.
Smurf: Look how they made you feel. Never feel bad about who you are. Promise me.

J: I've been seeing someone, and I guess I should've told you. I didn't mean it to turn into anything, but it has.
Lark: So it's real, huh? Hm. Does she even know what you do?
J: What do you mean?
Lark: I don't know. What version of you is she getting? What, the clean-cut college boy? Or maybe just a hint of the underprivileged kid sob story, I don't know which one.
J: Lark, you don't know me.
Lark: Yeah, that much is clear.

Penny: I think I need to take a step back from whatever this is.
J: I knew that you were married.
Penny: I'm going to get someone else to take care of your legal shit here. Don't call me.

You know he's not interested in that sinful waste. We're living with Pope Andrew now.


Deran: You really think one brother will turn on the other like that?
J: Yeah, if we play it right.

Vince: Those are some red eyes, bro.
Craig: Yeah, I messed up, man. Busted my ass to stay clean and just pissed it away in ten minutes.
Vince: Yeah, it's not a straight path.
Craig: People like me drunk and high. My ex. My brothers. It started with my mom.

Thompson: Tell me what you remember about that last day, Lena. You saw your mom and dad together, right?
Lena: Yeah.
Thompson: Was there anyone else there?
Lena: Uncle Pope was there too.

Pope: Craig's booting all the tenants out of this place?
Deran: Yeah, it was J's idea.
Pope: He offered this dickhead five grand to move, why?
Deran: I don't know, path of least resistance, I guess.
Pope: Throw him off the balcony, there's no resistance there.

Don't go back there. They'll just make you hate yourself. And I love you too much for that.


Smurf: How's community service going?
Andrew: It's not so bad.
Smurf: Really? It's not so bad? Aren't you picking up dog shit and candy wrappers?
Andrew: Better than juvie.
Smurf: Don't get caught. You won't have to do either.

Craig: Bro, I just banged your ex wife and you seriously don't give a shit?
Vince: Ex, man. Look, she got her life, I got mine.

Craig: What the hell are you even doing here, huh?
Deran: I just want to talk to you.
Craig: You wanna talk? Alright, talk.
Deran: You're not picking up your phone. You're leaving family meetings. You're acting all different, and I don't even recognize you anymore man.