Geils: Hope you didn't miss me too much.
Angie: Nope.

Tanner: How'd he die?
Monica: His brain and heart stopped. After that, he had no chance.

Atkins: The job is getting to you, Tribeca! You're too wound up.
Angie: I could kill you for saying that.

Geils: It stings! It really stings!
Tanner: I'm not surprised. It's Tabasco sauce.

I was always the best at everything, and then I met you in the Academy and suddenly, I was most likely to be overshadowed by Angie Tribeca.

Laurie Partridge

I don't know, but I do know I have a lot of questions for Mr. Front butt.

No! Not Ferret Fawcett!


Medical examiner: I spent some time as a veterinary gynecologist.
Angie: I don't think that's a thing.

I've had enough of this sh*t! Commander Bigfish, you're under arrest. For whatever the hell this is.

Geils: I've changed my mind about paying for sex. But on the upside, I'm a cop and you're under arrest.
Stacy: I can't believe I spent a whole montage with you.

Letting go is not in my DNA. However, there is a little Irish, a little German, left-handedness, and early onset dementia. There's also a little Irish and a little German. Did you want to see me, sir?

Do you know "Fruit Salad" in E minor?

Angie Tribeca Season 1 Quotes

I don't prance around nude for money. Not anymore.


After that he said, 'Are you serious? No one gets syphilis anymore!'
