Interviewer: Don't mention your kids in an interviewer. A lot of people are nervous about hiring people with children.
Bonnie: They are?
Interviewer: They feel like your focus wouldn't be on the job or that you'd have leave work because one of your children would get sick.
Bonnie: Oh, don't worry. I don't allow my children to get sick.

Interviewer Do you have nice legs under there? Don't hide them. Anything that can make you stand out in the secretarial pool is a bonus. God knows your resume won't do it.

Kathleen: A suit isn't going to fix Bonnie's problems. She needs a new man; a man who isn't in danger of being incarcerated. A rich benefactor.
Diana: Like a sugar daddy?
Kathleen: No. That sounds so tawdry. It can be a win/win situation, everyone gets what they want. I can take her down to the Palm. It's crawling with rich middle-aged divorcees and widowers.
Diana: Depending on a man is how Bonnie got in trouble in the first place.

Kathleen: [holding up a sparkly dress] What do you think?
Diana: Have you never been on a job interview before?
Kathleen: No.
Diana: Unless it involves tassels, it's probably not appropriate.

I'm gonna drop you off at the house to do your homework.


Dennis: Look, here's the problem single gals like you never consider, Diana. You don't have a family to support. Jeff has a wife and two children.
Diana: And I take care of my mother, so I also have a family to support.

Don't you have any goddamned gratitude? This live you have. I gave it to you. All of it.


Steve: Are you watching this?
Bonnie: Not really. I just had it on.
Steve: Do you understand what she's talking about? Because I don't.
Bonnie: I think some women want to work and have a career like Diana's doing. I don't think it's that crazy.
Steve: Yeah, I guess, but it's no picnic out there in the real world. I mean, I feel like you women have it real good. I mean, why complain?

Your father is with another lady, and he's probably not coming back. And I wish I didn't have to tell you this, but I want you to know the truth because I love you, and I don't want to lie to you. A liar is the worst thing you can be. A stripper is also bad.


Jessica: What did you say to him, mom?
Bonnie: I let them know what's what. Let that be a lesson to you girls. Never let a man intimidate you. Under any circumstances. You always have to stand up for yourself.

Are you having fun, huh? Driving around, trying to frighten people? Well, you're not frightening me. OK? So you better get the hell out of here or I'm going to grab the tire iron from the trunk of my car and make friends with the side of your face. [pounds the hood of the car with her fist] Your brights are on!


Bonnie: We'll stop at Pioneer Chicken and pick something up.
Jessica: Mom, can we get biscuits?
Bonnie: Biscuits? Does it feel like we're celebrating?

American Woman Quotes

Steve: Are you watching this?
Bonnie: Not really. I just had it on.
Steve: Do you understand what she's talking about? Because I don't.
Bonnie: I think some women want to work and have a career like Diana's doing. I don't think it's that crazy.
Steve: Yeah, I guess, but it's no picnic out there in the real world. I mean, I feel like you women have it real good. I mean, why complain?

Kathleen: Now I got a man, and I'm doing everything I can to keep him.
Diana: Why are you worried you're gonna lose him?
Kathleen: Well, I'm not WORRIED. Greg is great. He's so sweet and attentive, but there's just no spark. Sometimes I think I just might not be his type.
Bonnie: Well, what is his type?