Kai: The crown is heavy, Winter. I'm making hard choices everyday. Even harder ones going forward. This thing we're putting together, it's real. And it's gonna change the world. But I can't do it alone. Followers are followers, I tell them what they want to here and they will obey me. You and me are family, though. That matters. I need to know I can count on you, Winter. Can I count on you?
Winter: Of course. What the hell, Kai.

You are a fool to underestimate the rage of a woman!


Haven't you been listening, ingrate? That was Valerie's plan all along. We were the Zodiac.


I'm Beverly motherfucking Hope, and you're gonna wanna get the hell out of my way.


Holy shit. I just got a retweet from Eric Trump!


You had too much control over my life. Down with the patriarchy! Suck my dick, Warhol!


Valerie: You lost it because you can't stand to see a woman succeed.
Andy Warhol: Oh, Valerie. You know women can't be serious artists.

Kai: What fills your dark heart with dread?
Ivy: The thought of laying in bed next to my wife.

Something is going on, and I have been targeted.


He's like a modern-day Charles Manson.

Ally [about Kai]

When Kai looked at me, it was better than a Xanny high, it was better than sex. He made me feel special, like we were the only two people in the world.


Harrison, I think it's time to call the police. Something terrible has happened to your wife.
