Layla: So this was your plan, the sequel to Molly's Game?
Asher: I figured it would be a quick way to scoop up a little cash.

Spencer: Maybe we should move the party, man.
Flip: Hell no. Listen, Tyrone may be a lot of things, but one thing he ain't? Stupid enough to cross me. The party stays.

Some people are lucky enough to have seventy birthdays in their lifetime. Gotta make each one count.


Olivia: Or he's just protecting you.
Jordan: That's the thing, Liv. I don't need him to protect me anymore.
Olivia: Then maybe you should tell him that.

Coop: Look I know losing him was hard, but life turned out good for you.
Spencer: It's been hard on my moms though.
Coop: You don't have to worry about Grace. She's strong.

Spencer: Why are you showing me this?
Layla: Because even though she's not here anymore, I like knowing that she was great at something. Just like your dad isn't around anymore, but you found out he was great at football, and maybe someday you'll be glad you know that about him.

Spencer: All these years I've been playing ball, you ain't once said I reminded you of him.
Grace: First of all, you don't. Second, I didn't say anything because anytime someone mentions your dad, your head explodes.

Layla: Like father, like son.
Spencer: I wish people would stop saying that.
Layla: It just sounds like maybe you got some of that talent from him, not that he deserves credit or anything.

Olivia: How are you and Layla? Look, I'm sorry if the whole Asher thing is causing problems, I really didn't mean to stir anything up.
Spencer: I know. We just jumped into everything so fast, man. I just don't want it to end before it's even gotten started, that's all.
Olivia: Then don't let it.

Layla: Have you taken any?
Olivia: No, not yet. But it's been really hard. Every day I make an active choice to stay sober. One day at a time. Today it's just not working.
Layla: Liv, you don't have to go through this alone. I am here for you.

Layla: We're supposed to be studying chemistry.
Spencer: We are. We're studying our chemistry.
Layla: That was corny as hell.

Spencer: What did you expect?
Layla: I expected you to trust me!
Spencer: I do trust you.
Layla: No you don't trust me. You want to believe those words when you say them, but the truth is, you don't. And what hurts is I have never given you a reason not to.

All American Season 1 Quotes

Spencer: What the hell are you doing?
Jordan: I'm picking you up.
Spencer: In your red car, in your red hat? You're like a Bloods poster board man, you're gonna get your head blown off! [laughs] I'm just playing. I'm just playing.

Billy: Take it from me, my experience. Every player out there is just one injury away from needing a backup plan.
Spencer: I appreciate the offer Coach, but I don't need a backup. This is where I belong.