I love you, Mom, you know that right? That’s why I have to fire you as my official manager.


President Allen: Don’t get too comfortable here, Coach.
Coach Turner: Or else what? You’ll shuffle me on out of here like Amara?

While the legacy of baseball at Bringston may be tarnished, I can guarantee we’re here to bring it back.


This is why I didn’t want a party. I knew no one would show.


Thea: Now that you told everyone about it, I have no choice but to show up or look like a complete bitch.
Simone: Thea, it’ll be fun, trust me. The whole team will be here. At the very least, let us celebrate you.

Simone: See everyone is so intimated by Thea, no one wants to do anything nice for her.
Keisha: Or she’s just a raging bitch and that’s why.

Damon: Looks like the sponsors found you, Ms. Fancy. Nice bag.
Simone: I hope so. I had to squeeze a mile under 7 minutes just to get it.

Damon: So I’m guessing she’s not a morning person?
Simone: No, she’s not a people person.

So much for showing Coach Loni your dedication.


Thea: I hate to admit it, but you did your thing out there.
Simone: Is hell freezing over?
Thea: Don’t get it twisted. This is still my court, and we’re still competitors, but very few people could do what we just did out there. I give props when props are due.

Damon, in order to be a leader, you need to be vulnerable. You got to let those guys really see you. They have to know that the great Damon Sims has fears too.


Simone: What if I can’t?
Amara: Look, you are an HBCU now, and one of the many benefits is when you start to doubt yourself, you can point to examples of Back excellence and see what is possible.