There were so many untruths about Inhumans out there that some people saw them as these magical, heroic creatures, like unicorns. It was terrifying.


You know, we've spent more nights out tracking Inhumans than we have at home?

Ward [to Daisy]

Ward: Skye, there are things about me you wouldn't like if you knew.
Daisy: Trust me, I know.

Ivanov: A butcher does not seek forgiveness from the animals he slaughters.
Daisy: Have you ever read Animal Farm?

Just because someone uses your ideas for evil doesn't mean you shouldn't create them in the first place. You make things from the genius of your mind and the goodness of your heart.

Simmons [to Fitz]

I do have one regret. That I don't have any superpowers I can use to kick your ass.

Mace [to Ivanov]

As far as I'm concerned, you're just another redshirt, like so many others who tried to stop me from saving the world. So, cool original story, bro. But this means nothing to me.

Coulson [to Ivanov]

You did it. You jinxed us. You literally willed this into existence.

Coulson [to May]

You see, there is something lower than scum. That which tries to be it. Like you.

Ivanov [to Mace]

The line between scientist and mad scientist is paper-thin.

Mack [to Fitz]

Aida: If you're done playing with your food, there's still work to be done.
Ivanov: Metaphor. Well done.

This is why I don't have Facebook.


Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Season 4 Quotes

Fitz [on Aida]: It has bloody microexpressions!
Dr. Radcliffe: She.

The world knows her as Quake. And Quake is an outlaw who takes out banks and bridges.

Melinda May [on Daisy]