Sophie: Honestly, Gina, the way that you and that cop were just automatically thinking that it was him. It's upsetting.
Gina: My heart breaks for him, but I also need to look out for you, and the sad truth is many of the unhoused are on drugs, including Joseph.

Voight: Is there anything else I should know?
Chapman: That's it. Just, please go get this son of a bitch.

I think I've been hiding out at your place because I'm really not used to being alone.


Walter: Maybe I've just been making excuses, telling myself it's not about forgetting where you left the car keys; it's about forgetting what the car keys are for.
Rome: I got you, pop, no matter what. I'm going to take care of you; you know that, right?

Gary: Please, don't forget how much power you have. Or, instead of worrying about what Colton Culter and his dad want you to do, you just go tell them exactly what you want to do.
Maggie: Wow. That's not bad, Dr. Mendez.

Greta: Anyone who shows up and has a problem with your chair, they'd have canceled themselves in the first five seconds.
Eddie: I am pretty comfortable with myself in this thing, but waiting to see if she is too it kind of sounds like torture.

Gary: Hey, pop.
Javier: Yeah?
Gary: Thanks for being here with me. I know it's not easy to pretend that all of this is normal.
Javier: However you want to do this, that's how we're going to do it, okay, mijo? I got you.

We know about Gary.


Danny: Gene, thank you for your service.
Gene: I didn't fight in the war.
Danny: That's not what I mean. I'm in high school, and I'm gay, and I'm out, and you absolutely fought for me, so thank you.

Anna: You are the only good thing about this past year.
Eddie: This is the first time I've been with someone where I felt like I could be exactly what I wanted to be.
Anna: Eddie, know that not once in this relationship have you let me down.

Sophie: Sometimes it feels like...
Gina: Like you didn't always have parents to fall back on?

Flo: Rome, I'm serious. I think you need to get your dad checked out.
Rome: He's still young. We all forget things.

A Million Little Things Season 5 Quotes

Danny: Gene, thank you for your service.
Gene: I didn't fight in the war.
Danny: That's not what I mean. I'm in high school, and I'm gay, and I'm out, and you absolutely fought for me, so thank you.

Gary: Hey, pop.
Javier: Yeah?
Gary: Thanks for being here with me. I know it's not easy to pretend that all of this is normal.
Javier: However you want to do this, that's how we're going to do it, okay, mijo? I got you.