Nicole: Can I ask you something?
Eddie: Of course.
Nicole: Why didn't things work out between you and Delilah?
Eddie: Well, I think for us, the timing was never right.
Nicole: Well, for what it's worth, I can tell how much you care about her, so if your timing ever does work out, don't run away from that.
Eddie: Well, thanks to you, I really can't.
Nicole: I walked right into that.
Eddie: Walk? Well, now you're just being mean.

Greta: Katherine was worried you two would be holding a grudge about what happened in high school.
Lonna: Everyone has their own journey in life, and you just weren't there yet.
Lon: The important thing is you are exactly where you should be right now.

Katherine: You know, I wonder who I'd be if I had your parents.
Greta: My Sister?
Katherine: No, really. All that love and support knowing that they'd accept me no matter what. I'd probably be a different person.
Greta; Well, I love you. And I'm glad you're not whatever hypothetical person you'd be with different parents.

Gina: Guys, we're all on the same team here.
Omar: Yeah, same team. Clearly, I'm riding the bench.
Gina: That's what happens when you keep missing practice.

Maggie: You're taking my show away because I went on maternity leave?
Colton: Whoa, whoa, whoa. I'm just changing your time slot. Dr. J is doing good on the weekdays; you'll do great on the weekends too.

Have fun at your insurance conference that you've never gone to since I've known you.


Gina: Fun fact, your dad just saw me naked.
Rome: What?
Gina: Which I prefer to seeing him naked.

Unless it's something you haven't told me, I am in the boy's father.


Gary: You were fighting about me.
Inez: No. We were fighting about your name and your dad letting you change it.

I understand you're mad, but not inviting me to his funeral? You lost your dad, but I lost my brother.


Inez: What's his name?
Gary: Javier.
Inez: Your father would be so proud of you.

Gary, you don't need to speak Spanish to be Mexican. You're Mexican because you were born into this family. And you can learn Spanish again through teaching Javi.


A Million Little Things Quotes

I just came here to say that I'm sorry. And I should've known what was going on, and I don't know how I didn't.


Are we rehearsing, or are we joking around?!
