So, when you find that group of friends, and you will, hold on to them. And as amazing as they'll be, know this... I will always be right here, right next to you, loving you. And anytime a complete stranger smiles at you out of nowhere, there's a decent chance that's me. Oh, and mijo? Have a beautiful life.


Maggie: You won.
Gary: We won.

I can't not say this. You're a terrible first date, Gary Mendez. I love you, Gary.


Walter: You tell Gary I said thank you for being such an amazing friend to my son. Rome: I will. I'll check in on you later. Don't forget to take your pills, Pop.
Walter: Don't forget to take yours.

You see, son? This is why it's good to have a couple of white friends. You know Tyrell wasn't getting through security.


Sometimes the right thing to do is really hard, but isn't that what love is?


I know that what he's asking you to do is unthinkable, but maybe the alternative is even worse. Taking care of all of is what gives him purpose; it's how he defines himself, and now he can't do that anymore.


Did you know that when I first met you, I pegged you to be this snarky smartass who seemed angry at the whole world? I was right. But I was just outside thinking about the day you came to the house. Every day in every single way since then, you have stepped up for us. Me, especially. No, I'm gonna say all the good things I want to say, because for once, you can't cut me off. You're the best friend I've ever had. You're more than that. You're my brother.


We should catch up sometime. Now is not the time. Bye!

Eddie [to Dakota on the phone]

I need you two to help me end it.


Soph, everyone has to deal with this in their own way. He knows I love him. I know he loves me, so we're good.


Gary: Hey, do me a favor. Take care of my best friend Rome when I'm gone, okay? He deserves it.
Rome: You take care of my best friend too.

A Million Little Things Quotes

I just came here to say that I'm sorry. And I should've known what was going on, and I don't know how I didn't.


Are we rehearsing, or are we joking around?!
