He's smiling and he's been saying all the right things but in my opinion he's depressed and he needs his best friend. I know you two have been freezing each other out...


You let them put this thing in me?


Paul: The front door is solid oak.
Marjan: It wasn't going to keep me from my best friend.

Ride or dies don't ghost each other, man!


Judd: You tell me MeeMaw did all this?
Tommy: Don't underestimate Meemaw in a motorized cart.

Marjan: I just don't want you to die.
Paul: I don't want that either, but I would rather die a firefighter than live any other way.

Your life is not over just because you can't run into burning buildings anymore.


I'll be blunt, Mr. Strickland, without this procedure, I don't see you making it to 40.


Tommy: We've hardly spoken since your mom passed. I want to know how you're holding up.
T.K.:Well, she's dead, what other option do I have but to move on, right?

T.K.: We're not going to make the funeral are we?
Owen: No, son. We're not.
T.K.: Think she'll forgive us?
Owen: I think she'll understand.

I can't bear the thought of going to my own son's funeral. I can't bear it.


Genevieve: Life is relentless, isn't it?
Owen: It sure as hell is. Think I'd be used to it.

9-1-1: Lone Star Season 3 Quotes

Mateo: Wow, so it's really over then?
Owen: Are you kidding me? This isn't the end. This isn't even the beginning of the end.
Mateo: Is it the middle?
Owen: They knock us down seven times, we get back up eight.
Tommy: That's right.
Owen: One twenty-six is our home. We built it together, we're going to fight for it together, like a family.
Marjan: As a family.
Owen: These people have zero idea who they are up against.
Tommy: No, they really don't.
Owen: So we fight, we're going to keep fighting. And we never give up until hell freezes over.

You're not just closing up a firehouse. You're breaking a family. So I am here to respectfully ask for another chance, for some more time to audit the books, I'm confident that I can find a way to keep the house open.
