Owen: Every time I sit for one of those caricatures with a guy in the street, my hair is like enormous.
Christine: Every time? How often do you sit for one of those?
T.K.: I think you have an irrational fear of losin' your hair, Cap.
Owen: [mutters to himself] Who says it's irrational?

Owen: You cook meat in the dirt here? That's a thing?
Judd: Yeah, that's a thing, Mr. Open Minded.

T.K.: You've got a little spring in your step, there, Cap. Did you get laid or something?
Owen: Eh, I'm just feelin' a little more home in Austin. I found an organic food market. I found a vitamin shop that sells my fish oil supplements I like. If found a core-power yoga studio within walking distance. This place is like New York, but just a lot less trash on the street.

Owen: Well, I'm flattered, but if you're gonna put diversity first, shouldn't you hire somebody who's, you know, diverse?
Radford: We need somebody like you. We need somebody who truly understands how much rebuilding this house is gonna heal the community.

That's the first thing I did when I redid the station in Manhattan -- put up one of those. So we could see their faces every time we went out on a call to ensure that we honored their memory and sacrifice. Your men, your brothers, they'll never be forgotten. They call it PTSD, but they should call it PTSI because that's what it is. It's not a disorder. You've been injured. The monster's comin' out, either way, Judd, believe me.


Owen: I gotta say, it was a surprise meeting your wife.
Judd: Cause she's black?
Owen: Because she's wise. She's a smart lady. You married up.

Michelle: Captain Strand, shall we?
Owen: Oh, no, no, no. You do not want to see me line dance.
Michelle: Oh, are you shy? I thought you weren't scared of anything.
Owen: Ahhh, now I see why you invited us all here. I see you. Tryin' to exert your dominance?
Michelle: Well, I just think a man should have to earn his spurs.

Owen: What's your routine? Your skincare regimen?
Paul: Uh, soap and water?
Owen: Are you insane? That is the worst thing you can do. Soap dries you out.
Mateo: Isn't that a good thing?
Owen: NO! The single biggest mistake all men make when it comes to skincare is not washing properly, which is particularly problematic for guys like us. You know, the more we sweat, the more we break out. So, I start my routine with a general exfoliating cleanser. It's all organic and has detoxifying malachite.

Owen: Whoa whoa whoa. Since when does EMS tell Fire what time it is?
Michelle: You didn't read the Travis County manual, did you?
Owen: I'm more of a visual learner.
Michelle: In Texas, EMS calls the shots involving medical emergencies. So you do what I say, Captain.

Judd: Hey, look, man. I saw what you're doin' when I came in here. You got a whole, ah, we are the world thing goin' right, but you got no place for a guy like me who can actually do the job.
Owen: Mr. Ryder, I'm gonna do you a favor.
Judd: You're gonna do me a favor? Who the hell do you think you are?! This is MY house!
Owen: It was.

  • Permalink: It was.
  • Added:

Mateo: My teachers always told me I was a little slow.
Owen: I don't know what your teachers told you in the past, but I know what you're not. You're not stupid.
Mateo: I'm not?
Owen: No. You're thorough, you're relentless, and you're exactly the kind of man I want on the 126.

You know, somewhere in this town right now is a kid who is just like you were feelin' scared, hopeless. I'd like you to show him, or her, or they, it's OK to be who you are. [whispers] And I'll double your salary.


9-1-1: Lone Star Season 1 Quotes

Owen: Well, I'm flattered, but if you're gonna put diversity first, shouldn't you hire somebody who's, you know, diverse?
Radford: We need somebody like you. We need somebody who truly understands how much rebuilding this house is gonna heal the community.

Doctor: You were at Ground Zero when the buildings came down, yes?
Owen: [nods] Yeah.
Doctor: Then I don't have to tell you by the 20th anniversary of 9/11, more survivors who were there that day and during the cleanup will get sick or die than people killed on 9/11 itself.
Owen: This is going to kill me, isn't it?