Here's to more chaos! And more love.

Hen [to Karen]

Maddie: Still doesn't seem real.
Athena: That it happened? Or that anyone survived?
Maddie: Both. And they all can't wait to get back out there again.
Athena: It takes a special kind of crazy to want to live this life.

Maddie: Do you have a visual on how many firefighters are down?
Lucy: All of them. The entire 118. They were on the upper stand when it collapsed. They all went down.

Lucy: Can't get rid of me, can you, Buckley?
Buck: Great to see you again. For real, this time.

Hen: Where's Cap? Where's Bobby?
Buck: He's MIA.

Ravi: Uh, Cap? Can I just say if Buck needs to get the pregnant lady out of his apartment, I do have a two-bedroom that's about to be on the market. So...
Bobby: Thank you, Ravi. Maybe a discussion for another time.

Maddie: Hen doesn’t think that we should get married?
Buck: Uh, uh, it wasn’t like that.
Maddie: Well then, what was it like?
Buck: She just had some concerns.

Blair: I heard a proposal gone wrong can scar a guy for life.
Chimney: Yeah, I heard that, too.
Eddie: Give me a break.

Hen: Hiking and golfing in the same day. Sounds like you were out there looking for signs, too, Eddie.
Eddie: You know I don’t believe in that stuff. I just want what I had when I met Shannon. It just happened. It was magic.
Chimney: Oh, so you believe in magic?
Eddie: I believe in chemistry.

Maddie: We’re gonna marry that guy! Cheers!
Jee-Yun: Cheers!

Eddie: So, how’d you make it happen for you and Athena?
Bobby: We got called to a motorcycle accident. It was a bad one. I wasn’t at my best at the time. Needed to take a minute. She sat with me. Eventually, I asked her to go to church, and we prayed together.
Eddie: Wow.
Bobby: A few days later, we had dinner, things grew from there. Now, we’re about to have our fourth anniversary.
Eddie: So, you definitely weren’t looking for it.

When you know, you know.


9-1-1 Quotes

Maddie: I guess I just want my little girl to have a normal family. You know, uncles and grandparents that she might actually know.
Buck: Well then maybe you shoulda got knocked up by a guy who has one of those.

Where did all the water go?

Christopher [to Buck]