Grayson: How long until we intercept the shuttle?
LaMarr: Three minutes.
Mercer: Run every red light.

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The Orville Season 2 Episode 10: "Blood of Patriots"
The Orville
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The Orville Season 2 Episode 10 Quotes, The Orville Quotes
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The Orville Season 2 Episode 10 Quotes

Admiral Perry: Good luck, Captain. This is momentous. [signs off]
Grayson: Bet you wish that you'd had that shot.

Admiral Perry: You're to rendezvous with the Krill vessel D'Voracos in twelve hours are Terra Zed 3.
Grayson: The D'Voracos?
Admiral Perry: Yes, it means 'Bringing of Blood.'
Mercer: Oh, that's cool.