Surgeon: Patient's name is Moe Weinberg. Cancer is confined to the right testicle. Dr. Turk will be assisting with the removal.
Turk: Sorry, Moe - looks like you're about to either lose Larry or Curly!... Starting the incision.
Surgeon: Wait, wait, wait. Stop, stop, stop. I'm guessing Mr. Weinberg is Jewish?
Turk: Yeah. So?
Surgeon: Why isn't he circumcised?
J.D.'s Narration: A recent medical study found that a mistake is made on about twenty percent of all patients. Most of these are clerical and harmless, but, it still adds up to a lot of near misses.
Todd: Dr. Wen wants me to ask you if there could be a mix-up? Because our appendicitis patient, that dude doesn't have an appendix!

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Turk, The Todd
Scrubs Season 1 Episode 22: "My Occurrence"
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Turk Quotes, The Todd Quotes, Scrubs Season 1 Episode 22 Quotes, Scrubs Quotes
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Scrubs Season 1 Episode 22 Quotes

J.D.: I'm just asking you to check, Franklyn, and see if you could've made a mistake.
Franklyn: Look, I've worked here seven years, and never made a single mistake!
Elliot: You mixed up my patients' urine samples yesterday!
Franklyn: Okay, I make lots of mistakes. But I really have to go to the bathroom right now, and after that I'm going to lunch

Carla: Let me ask you something. You're kind of a boob guy, right?
J.D.: Excuse me?
Carla: I can tell, because I've seen you look at mine. Um, not in a sleazy way, or anything...
J.D.: I think this is the most uncomfortable conversation I've ever had!
Carla: You wanna touch one?
J.D.: I stand corrected! You're my best friend's girlfriend!
Carla: Ah, so your instinct is to pass on this fantastic one-time offer?
J.D.: I'm afraid so...
Carla: I'm up here, Bambi.
J.D.: Oh, sorry.