We're just not asking the right questions. We will. We'll find it.


Without the mine, there’s no town. Fifty percent of the population works for it, which means half the people who live here have got a reason to silence Annie K.


Bucky: Did ya miss me?
Buck: Like a stone in my shoe.

You’re a navigator, Crosby. You should be able to, I don’t know, find England.


First time in the sawmill boys. Let’s rack ‘em up and knock ‘em down.


Buck: Everything OK back here Dickie?
Dickie: What, are you kidding? It’s cozy as a suite at the Ritz.

Buck: Why didn’t you tell me?
Bucky: What?
Buck: You’ve been up. Two missions. You didn’t tell me it was like that.
Bucky: I didn’t know what to say. You’ve seen it now.
Buck: I don’t know what I saw. Thirty guys, just —
Bucky: I should have been up there with you.
Buck: A long road ahead of us.
Bucky: Yeah.

Bucky: You got up early this morning.
Buck: Did I?
Bucky: To see Colonel Harding. Before me. Oh, I can read upside down, Buck.
Buck: All I said was the Army’s right about you being a leader, but you lead best as a squadron commander.
You don’t gotta send me any flowers.

Bucky: I made one last request before being demoted. I want to write the letters to the families of the boys that we lost. I think it will be better coming from me, someone that they never met.
Buck: I’ll help you.
Bucky: I’d appreciate that. You know, if this whole thing ended, and there were only two pilots left up in the air, it would be me, and it would be you, Buck.
Buck: Don’t count on it.

Bucky: Why in the hell do you Brits add an S on the end of math?
Brit: Because there’s more than one of them.
Bucky: I can see more than one of you, too. Pretty sure I can knock all of you out.

Brit: So, let me get this straight. You’re Buck, and he’s Bucky?
Brit 2: Was there a shortage of nicknames in the 100th?

You CAN hit the target at night!
