You'll learn there's more to this job than just wrong or right.


I'll send the report over. But Nolan, he threw a punch for me. Who does that? And as stupid and reckless as that was, I appreciate it.


Man: You don't get to walk away like those other people didn't exist, like my Theresa didn't exist!
Maroun: Sir, of course she existed. All we're saying is we don't have enough evidence yet to move forward.
Man: And why is that?
Maroun: You'd have to talk to the police.
Man: And they'll tell me the same nonsense they've been telling me. WHy don't you admit that y'all don't care about poor Black people? Cause if you did, you'd have all that damn evidence you say you need.

Maroun: The people seek remand. The defendant's DNA was found under the victim's fingernails, and it's worth noting that he is a suspect in three other homicides. Plus, he took a woman hostage and held a gun to her head, and we'll be adding kidnapping charges later today. Given that and his financial means, this defendant is a flight risk.
Defense attorney: Your honor, the evidence is weak. This is a witch hunt meant to score headlines.
Judge: Defendant is remanded.
Defense attorney: Your Honor, he's willing to pay a 5 million dollar bond.
Judge: He can be willing to pay 5 billion dollars for all I care. This is about safety.

Riley: We got him.
Shaw: Now we just gotta find him.

Shaw: So obviously I didn't know Olivia Washington was a sex worker. I missed that in her file. I just t thought...
Riley: I was fishing for gossip?
Shaw: So Olivia's case just went cold.
Riley: Yeah, no body, no witnesses.
Shaw: I think it'sstrange nobody found anything.
Riley: Yeah?
Shaw: Yeah.
Riley: You've been working Homicide for a few years, right?
Shaw: True.
Riley: So you know it's not that strange in cases like that.
Shaw: Cases like that?
Riley: Missing person's cases. Look, if you have something to say to me, bro, just say it.
Shaw: I am saying it.
Riley: Yeah? Which is what?
Shaw: That poor Black girls don't et the same kind of love as rich white girls.

Riley: That was my case. I was lead on that. We couldn't find anything. No body, no anything. The case went cold.
Shaw: Not quite. Someone found her on February 11, 2021, buried in an industrial complex in Long Island City.
Riley: I didn't know that. I was transferred out in November.

There are too many criminals out there. And they just keep getting more brazen, because nobody cares.


Shaw: Was Celeste dating anyone?
Mother: I don't know. We didn't really talk about her social life.
Riley: Was there a reason for that?
Mother: People are age see things differently. She didn't think I could understand. So we just didn't talk about it.

Kim: Promise me we'll keep fighting for this. Because I need us, Adam. I need this family.
Adam: Well, you know I will.
Kim: Yeah?
Adam: Yeah. I'll keep fighting for it for the rest of my life.
Kim: That's nice.
Adam: I was going to do a whole thing here, but this seems better. Let's get married. Let's make it forever.
Kim: Third time's a charm, huh?
Adam: That fit okay?
Kim: It's perfect.

Gabriela, I will never accept that there's such a thing as an illegal human being.


Kim, stop talking. You understand you cannot be wrong about this.
