Dean: Fire chief?
Vic: Ixnay on the ire-fay.
Dean: What the what?
Vic: It’s pig Latin.
Dean: That’s not a real language.
Vic: OK, Dean he doesn’t even know his own name. He clearly has dementia, maybe Alzheimer’s. He’s lost; we have to help him find his way home.
Dean: How?
Vic: We play along. Try to help him remember his name and where he’s from. It’s easier for us to be in his reality than try to drag him into ours. OK, so just roll with me on this, please. You owe me.
Dean: Are you going to pull the baby card every time you need something?
Vic: Oh yeah. I thought that was our deal.

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Station 19 Season 3 Episode 9: "Poor Wandering One"
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Station 19 Season 3 Episode 9 Quotes

Jack: Am I getting fired?
Andy: Jack, Vasquez is fine. He’s going home today.
Jack: It doesn’t mean I don’t deserve to be fired. Dean hates me. You hate Bishop. I hate myself. If they don’t fire me, I think I should put in for a transfer.
Andy: No, no, no. We’re gonna get through this. We’re gonna get through it as a family, OK. No one’s going anywhere.

Andy: Can we call in sick?
Sullivan: Uh-huh.
Andy: I mean, I don’t want to pretend to hate you.
Sullivan: You can just pretend the respect me.
Andy: I do respect you.
Sullivan: Mostly.
Andy: I do think you promoted the wrong captain, but other than that.