Julien: Do you think I'm doing the wrong thing, giving it up to God or whatever people who believe in that stuff say?
Audrey: The only reason that New Year's even exists besides that pagan thing that no one talks about is for the world to give us permission to try something new. So, like, on any given Monday, you can say you're going vegan, but in January everyone believes you. I mean, look at me. Two weeks ago, if I said I was in a queer relationship, everyone would probably accuse me of trying to center myself. But in January, I'm speaking factually!
Julien: How is that going?
Audrey: Oh, my God. It's like a constant endorphin rush. Nothing can put me in a bad mood. [Zoya walks in the shot.] Even that.

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Gossip Girl (2021) Season 2 Episode 2: "Guess Who's Coming at Dinner", Gossip Girl (2021) Season 2 Episode 1: "Deb Brawl in a Blue Dress"
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Gossip Girl (2021) Season 2 Episode 2 Quotes

Happy New Year, followers. Been a minute, and I know you've missed me. Because it must have been pretty dark and lonely out there without me around. Lucky for you, I'm the light at the end of your tunnel. Here to illuminate what you've been up to while you thought no one was watching. And to those of you who may doubt the credibility of what I might say, remember, I can only be as honest as you are. But admit it, it's the fiction that keeps the facts interesting, anyway. There's nothing left for me to laugh about So try to ignore me if you dare. Pretty soon... I'll have everyone talking. And you'll be back here to make sure they're not talking about you.

Gossip Girl

Zoya: Me first!
Julien: Wait!
Zoya: I need to shower.
Julien: So do I.
Zoya: I thought you already did. I heard the water.
Julien: I ran it for steam. It's part one of my three-part skincare routine. Used to be ten, but new research shows that all you need is a cleanser, moisturizer, and a sunblock...
Zoya: I'm not following.
Julien: A bunch of dermatologists...
Zoya: No, I mean, I don't care. And I need to get in there. Some of us have hair. Why don't you go put together an outfit in your closet... What, you know, used to be my bedroom. And by the time you're done, maybe I can see myself in the full-size mirror again.
Julien: If my stuff is an imposition, I'll just... I'll...
Nick: Everything okay here? You're sharing well with your sister, Z?