Sadie: She's all over Haz like my first attempt at applying bronzer. I literally had to scrape it off with a spatula.
Mackenzie: Okay, and here I was hoping you'd go home to your family.
Sadie: I need the distraction, and this is important. Holly came out looking like an extra in a Snoop Dogg music video and literally won't leave Haz alone.
[Holly comes in]
Holly: Good, I'm glad somebody noticed. That was some of my best work, trying to get his eyes on me. Seriously, how have we all missed what a snack that guy is?
Sadie: We all like him, Hols.
Holly: Yeah, but ever since the stuff with Eden I realized that guys like Haz are really rare. Like he's so funny and kind and smart and respectful.
Mackenzie: Mmm, he's a really special guy.
Holly: See? Mack gets it. Okay, wish me luck.
Mackenzie: Good luck!
[Holly goes]
Sadie: You need to tell her that you like him.
Mackenzie: No, I've already told you, Sadie. I'm not ready to date anyone. So if Haz finds someone, he finds someone.

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