Calvin: I thought I was okay. I was moving on, then I saw you. Hard feelings to shake.
Nova: For what it's worth, I know I haven't moved on. I tried in a lot of ways I shouldn't have, and I'm just realizing I've been at war with myself.
Calvin: Me too. Why are we fighting this, ourselves, or each other? What do we have to do to find the peace together? Whatever it is, say it and I’ll do it. Whatever you say, I’ll do.

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Queen Sugar Season 2 Episode 13: "Heritage"
Queen Sugar
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Queen Sugar Season 2 Episode 13 Quotes

Quincy: I'm sure that Darla could learn a lot from both of you.
Ralph Angel: Darla can teach a lot too. She damn near rebuilt her life from the ground up.

Nova: I was the one that wasn't clear. I started losing myself, doing things, saying things, wearing things that weren't me. It was the me he wanted me to be.
Sierra: You woke up before most people do, before you were consumed, and for that, give yourself some credit. Okay?