When you think about it, a store like this is actually pretty incredible, you know? You help people do their homework, and find their styles, and feed their grandchildren. You know, there's... there's magic in that. I don't know, people -- people always talk about going out and finding something special, but maybe -- maybe we don't have to look that hard, you know? Maybe everything is special.


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Superstore Season 6 Episode 15: "All Sales Final"
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Superstore Season 6 Episode 15 Quotes

Glenn: You know Mateo, it's funny. You're undocumented, and I'm over sixty, and America doesn't want either of us to work anymore.
Mateo: Right, but I'm under constant fear of deportation, and you get discounts at movie theaters, so.
Glenn: Not new releases.
Mateo: Wow. Must be awful to live in terror of spoilers.

Amy: I thought I'd show up on the last day and surprise everybody.
Nia: That's so nice! What's the surprise?
Amy: Um, just me.
Nia: Oh. I thought it would be like, donuts or something.