My dearest Max, if you toss this letter, rip it up, burn it, I won't blame you. I've done the same to countless versions. What I've done is unforgivable, to you, to our friends, to sweet Luna. It was never my intention. None of this is what I intended. Everything I ever said to you was true. Everything we had was real. But so was this thing that kept me in London, kept me from marrying you. I wish I knew what it was. I wish I could rip it out of me, obliterate it, so I can be with you. Because you deserve all the happiness in the world. I wish I had the explanation to help ease your pain, but none has come. All I have is the time that's passed and the desperate hope that it heals us both. Heals your heart. Heals your mind. Heals Luna and heals our friends. Max, you are beautiful and shimmering, and I was made better for being in your light. We all were. Please, don't lose your light. May it shine again even brighter than it did before. All my love, Helen.

Helen Voiceover

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New Amsterdam Season 5 Episode 1: "TBD"
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New Amsterdam Season 5 Episode 1 Quotes

Luna: Why isn't mum here?
Max: Because, um...

Best separated dads ever!
