James is a loon. He's bipolar. It's hip to be that now. It used to be cool to be bilingual, then bisexual, and now bipolar. Quarter of a million dollar in therapist and the consensus was "he's a loon," which I already knew.


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Harry's Law Season 2 Episode 2: "There Will Be Blood"
Harry's Law
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Harry's Law Season 2 Episode 2 Quotes, Harry's Law Quotes
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Harry's Law Season 2 Episode 2 Quotes

Tommy: A law professor once told me, sounds crazy, but I believe it with all my tiny heart. Lawyers in murder trials are dead if they don't dance. It helps refill the humanity tank; you should do it once in a while I'm telling you.
Harry: You're a very strange dude.
Tommy: I really am.

You had her arrested because she mocked your ass in court.
