Rachel: You don't have to move if you don't want to.
Kirby: I can't stay here.
Rachel: Why?
Kirby: After what he did to me, things aren't how they should be.
Rachel: You're just still workin' through it.
Kirby: No. No, mom. It's not that. We talked about this. Everything is like always, and then it's not. Things change. They're not how I left them. Nothing is where it should be, and I don't recognize it anymore.
Rachel: You did not tell me that.
Kirby: It starts with these little things and then big things.

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Shining Girls Season 1 Episode 1: "Cutline"
Shining Girls
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Shining Girls Season 1 Episode 1 Quotes, Shining Girls Quotes
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Shining Girls Season 1 Episode 1 Quotes

Kirby: The detective who was on my case, he called me in. Doesn't matter. It's- I thought it did, but it doesn't.
Dan: He called you in for what?
Kirby: He thought it was the same guy.
Dan: What someone did to Julia, they tried to do to you?
Kirby: It was six years ago.

First we find its shine, and then we take it away.
