Desna: You don't have a rainy-day fund or nothin'?
Uncle Daddy: If I had a rainy-day fund, you think I'd be sleeping on a jizz-filled couch at the Messianic Center? I'm about two minutes away by a WIC check.
Desna: My God! You gotta have kids to get on WIC.
Uncle Daddy: I was going to rent some over at Shrimp Town.

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Claws Season 3 Episode 8: "What Is Happening to America"
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Claws Season 3 Episode 8 Quotes, Claws Quotes
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Claws Season 3 Episode 8 Quotes

Desna: You just killed a cop.
Professor: A dead cop is the least of your worries right now, Desna Simms.

It's flu season.

Professor [to Desna]