Thomas: A black main ain't gonna solve your problems, you know. It's gonna create a whole buncha new ones.
Noemi: This is a free country.
Thomas: There's degrees of free, m'am.
Noemi: What does that mean? Government can tell me who to love?
Thomas: Government says you can't swim, can't protect yourself. Damn right government can tell you who to love or not love. They shouldn't, but they can.
Noemi: Then we go somewhere they can't.
Thomas: [chuckled] M'am, you don't want nuttin' to do wit' me. I'm too old, too set in my ways, don't like talkin'. I like sleepin' outside, and I like bathin' in the river. I ain't what a woman wants.
Noemi: Men have no idea what women want.
Thomas: [chuckles] Can't argue that.
Noemi: Know why? Cause they never ask.
Thomas: What do you want?
Noemi: I want to watch you eat.

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1883 Season 1 Episode 4: "The Crossing"
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1883 Season 1 Episode 4 Quotes

Shea: By the time I get these misfits movin', it'll be midday, farmer. Don't you worry about it.
James: I ain't no fuckin' farmer.
Shea: You were.
James: I was a captain, too. I don't call myself that, either. Captain.

I know what I am now. I'm a cowboy.
