Bridget: I think I deserve a modicum of leeway.
Mr. Donellen: Bridget...
Bridget: I'm having a hard time, and I'm sorry if it's affecting my calculus, but I just transferred in, my parents are at each others throats and my boyfriend was murdered.
Mr. Donellen: I'm sorry.
Bridget: I shouldn't have told you that. [leaves]
Coffee Guy: I have a medium Americano for Bridget!

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Ray Donovan Season 3 Episode 4: "Breakfast of Champions"
Ray Donovan
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Ray Donovan Season 3 Episode 4 Quotes, Ray Donovan Quotes
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Ray Donovan Season 3 Episode 4 Quotes

We're talking about selling yet another American institution to a foreign company. I need a little more time.


Dave: You look like a fuckin' teenager!
Abby: I feel like an old woman.