I don't want your sympathy, Bright. I want you to listen to me. Trauma doesn't just disappear because you want it to, you have to face it, but you don't have to face it alone.


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Prodigal Son Season 2 Episode 9: "The Killabustas"
Prodigal Son
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Prodigal Son Season 2 Episode 9 Quotes, Prodigal Son Quotes
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Prodigal Son Season 2 Episode 9 Quotes

Martin: Vivian, please. Sorry, I cannot stop thinking about the other night.
Capshaw: Neither can I. It was a mistake. It was a colossal lack in judgment.
Martin: Most good things are.
Capshaw: Look, I've made bad decisions in my life. Kissed the wrong men, trusted the wrong friends, but all of that is nothing compared to what I did with you.

Jessica: I used to write all of the time. I kept diaries, but after your father's arrest, I stopped writing started repressing.
Malcolm: Mm. Runs in the family.