I actually believe in the Dark. I believe the only way to stop all this suffering is to stop the Wheel itself. Stop everything.


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The Wheel of Time Season 2 Episode 5: "Damane"
The Wheel of Time
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The Wheel of Time Season 2 Episode 5 Quotes, The Wheel of Time Quotes
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The Wheel of Time Season 2 Episode 5 Quotes

Moiraine: Lanfear was famous for two things among the Forsaken. Her casual cruelty, and her mastery of Tel'aran'rhiod.
Rand: Tel'aran...?
Moiraine: The world of dreams. She can hurt you just as easily there as here, and the moment you fall asleep, she will have you.

Your song is dying. You've betrayed your sisters. And you're sitting in the dark trying to justify yourself to a woman you just kidnapped. Was your price worth all this?
