Maurice Picard: Play anything you want. Just don't break anything.
Yvette Picard: Maurice, must you be such a curmudgeon? It's a lovely day.
Maurice: Wars have been fought on lovely days. Industry and discovery don't reserve themselves for a slight chance of rain. So I've been told.
Young Picard: Curmudgeon.

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Star Trek: Picard Season 2 Episode 9: "Hide and Seek"
Star Trek: Picard
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Star Trek: Picard Season 2 Episode 9 Quotes

So myopically linear. You see the branch but not the tree.

Borg queen

Jurati: Millions of species, planets, and still, you always needed more.
Borg queen: Perfection takes time, dear.
Jurati: This was never about perfection, or evolution, or any of that bullshit. It was never enough because you're just like me. Lonely.