Connor, it's not about winning or losing. The point is, it wasn't your choice to make. When you work for someone, you do what they ask, and if you don't, you have to suffer the consequences.


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Chesapeake Shores Season 4 Episode 2: "Leap of Faith"
Chesapeake Shores
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Chesapeake Shores Season 4 Episode 2 Quotes

Bree: Now that is stupidly beautiful.
Jess: I knew that was a thing.
Sarah: Really? I mean, it's pretty, but isn't it a little much? [silence] I guess it's just not what I imagined.

Mick: Have you talked with Kevin and Sarah about this? I mean, they don't seem to me like the big wedding type.
Megan: Mick, I missed a lot, and now that I have the chance, I don't want to give that up.
Mick: No, I understand. But they're not kids anymore. Maybe they'd like to figure this out for themselves.
Megan: You're right. Instead of a caterer, we need to find a dress.